Python Idioms


A collection of python idioms and design patterns

What idioms should I use to make my code easier to read?

Build strings as a list and use ''.join at the end.p

Join is a string method called on the separator, not the list. Calling it from the empty string concatenates the pieces with no separator, which is a Python quirk and rather surprising at first. This is important: string building with + is quadratic time instead of linear! If you learn one idiom, learn this one.

Wrong: for s in strings: result += s
Right: result = ''.join(strings)

Use in wherever possible.

Use if not x instead of if x == 0.

To reverse-sort a list, use: list.sort() or list.reverse()

Catch errors rather than avoiding them to avoid cluttering your code with special cases. This idiom is called EAFP ('easier to ask forgiveness than permission'), as opposed to LBYL ('look before you leap'). This often makes the code more readable. For example:


#check whether int conversion will raise an error
if not isinstance(s, str) or not s.isdigit:
    return None
elif len(s) > 10:    #too many digits for int conversion
    return None
    return int(str)


    return int(str)
except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError): #int conversion failed
    return None

What techniques should I use to make my code run faster?

Profile before optimizing for speed: optimize for readability first

Build strings as a list and use ''.join() at the end. (Super important)

Use map and/or filter to apply functions to lists.

map applies a function to each item in a list (technically, sequence) and returns a list of the results.
filter applies a function to each item in a sequence, and returns a list containing only those items for which the function evaluated True (using the nonzero built-in method).
These functions can make code much shorter. They also make it much faster, since the loop takes place entirely in the C API and never has to bind loop variables to Python objects.


strings = []
for d in data:


strings = map(str, data)

Use function factories to create utility functions.

def multiply_by_field(fieldname, multiplier):
    """Returns function that multiplies field "fieldname" by multiplier."""
    def multiplier(x):
        return getattr(x, fieldname) * multiplier
    return multiplier

triple = multiply_by_field('Count', 3)
quadruple = multiply_by_field('Count', 4)
halve_sum = multiply_by_field('Sum', 0.5)

python file names over as second cannot be imported though single name module names are best.

packagin packages

package/        -- contains functions a(), b()           -- contains function c()
  subdir/     -- contains function d()
import package

import package.other

import package.subdir

note: hierarchies of packages more than two deep are annoying to develop on


"Good" docstring coding is used to provide additional information about functionality 
beyond what can be discovered automatically by introspection

testing, testing, testing...

An Introduction to Testing Concepts

Unit tests are tests for fairly small and specific units of functionality. Functional tests test entire functional paths through your code. Regression tests make sure that (within the resolution of your records) your program's output has not changed.

All three types of tests are necessary in different ways.

Regression tests tell you when unexpected changes in behavior occur, and can reassure you that your basic data processing is still working. For scientists, this is particularly important if you are trying to link past research results to new research results: if you can no longer replicate your original results with your updated code, then you must regard your code with suspicion, unless the changes are intentional.

Both unit and functional tests tend to be expectation based. you use the tests to lay out what behavior you expect from your code, and write your tests so that they assert that those expectations are met.

Unit tests tend to be much shorter and require less setup and teardown, while functional tests can be quite long. functional tests tell you when your code is broken, while unit tests tell you where your code is broken. because of the finer granularity of unit tests, a broken unit test can identify a particular piece of code as the source of an error, while functional tests merely tell you that a feature is broken.

Adding tests to existing project

First, start by writing a test for each bug as they are discovered. isolate the cause of the bug; write a test that demonstrates the bug; fix the bug; verify that the test passes.

Next, take out some time -- half a day or so -- and write fixtures and functional tests for some small chunk of code; if you can, pick a piece of code that you're planning to clean up or extend. Don't worry about being exhaustive, just write tests that target the main point of the code that you're working on.

Repeat this a few times.

Use code coverage analysis to analyze what code your tests cover, and what code isn't covered. At this point you can take a targetted approach and spend some time writing tests aimed directly at uncovered areas of code. There should now be tests that cover 30-50% of your code, at least (it's very easy to attain this level of code coverage!).

Once you've reached this point, you can either decide to focus on increasing your code coverage, or you can simply continue incrementally constraining your code by writing tests for bugs and new features. Assuming you have a fairly normal code churn, you should get to the point of 70-80% coverage within a few months to a few years (depending on the size of the project!)

Cache decorator

def simple_cache(fn):
    cache = {}

    def new_fn(n):
        if n in cache:
            print 'FOUND IN CACHE; RETURNING'
            return cache[n]

        # otherwise, call function & record value
        val = fn(n)
        cache[n] = val
        return val
    return new_fn

This approach is effective because at each stage you get immediate feedback from your efforts, and it's easier to justify to managers than a whole-team effort to add testing. Plus, if you're unfamiliar with testing or with parts of the code base, it gives you time to adjust and adapt your approach to the needs of the particular project.

see also: